Hi, I'm Emily. I'm OBSESSED with earrings! Ever since I can remember, I've loved earrings.

Fast forward to my husband and I laying in bed one night talking about making money online. My husband said if you do something you're truly passionate about then the money will follow. I immediately sat straight up and yelled "earrings!". I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a pair of earrings and started to take pictures with my old smart phone. Pretty soon I realized there's a lot more to an online business than shoddy, poorly lighted phone pics on my kitchen table, but I've been working slowly and surely on getting my earring store up and running. 

Here I am today. I have a wide variety of earrings I sell because I love all earrings; gorgeous, simple, bold, unique, funky, studs, hoops.....you get the idea.

I live with my husband and my son and daughter in a quaint central Utah town. When not enjoying the outdoors or working on my shop, I work as a registered nurse at the local hospital.